

  • My background is in Emergency Nursing, where I worked as a Nurse Practitioner. I learnt so much there about managing every kind of stress, trauma, illness, and every type of response to these situations.

  • I trained in Craniosacral Therapy after experiencing the work while looking after a friend with cancer, and observing the profound effect it had on the whole family. Cranial work taught me about the impact that our experiences have on us throughout our lives, and in particular about how we hold these in our bodies.

  • I specialise in working with trauma, particularly early trauma, and I do this in different ways according to what feels right for each person. I work with groups, with adults, with families, with babies, during pregnancy, and also pre-conception - helping to prepare clients for the important journey of bringing a child into this world.

  • Working deeply with my own experiences, and through my work with clients, I have learnt that meeting each person and their situation with presence and groundedness helps them to settle their nervous systems,  and then they can begin to relax and heal in their body and mind.

  • I am very blessed to live in a small community in North Oxfordshire, where we grow a lot of our own food on a small-holding next to the canal.  

  • Please explore the different therapies I offer - I work both face-to-face, and also online if necessary.

  • I invite you to contact me to find out how we might best work together.