Steph Hodgson - MOVING HEARTS THERAPY - Counselling / Psychotherapy, Craniosacral Therapy, TRE in Banbury and Oxford



  • I studied in Prenatal and Birth Therapy with Ray Castellino. This work has informed all of the other work that I do.

  • My understanding and awareness of the huge importance of these very earliest experiences in life is pivotal in my work.

  • Come and explore with me, experientially, somatically, how your deepest and earliest experiences continue to impact every moment of your lives. Begin to understand how we tend to continually recreate ourselves according to these historical patterns of behavior that we have developed, that have enabled us to cope with the circumstances of our life.

  • Through bringing present-day conscious awareness to these processes, in particular to the sensations and feelings in our bodies, it is possible to process these early imprints. They may then become the stories from our past rather than the unconscious drivers of our current reactions and reality.

  • I work with couples prior to conception, through pregnancy, birth and beyond, with babies, children and adults, with family groups, and also with small groups of adults.

  • this work is extraordinary, and I invite you to come and try a session for yourselves.

  • If you are interested in being part of a small process group please contact me.